Children’s Faith Exploration Projects

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May 12: Embark on a creative adventure as we explore and craft the Tree of Unitarian Universalism, inspired by a tale adapted from Nina Penfold, with values language by Zan Spaihts-Mohns and images by Debbie Atkins.

April 28: The April, Interdependence, was continued.

April 14 & 21: The theme for April is Interdependence. The CFE classes focused on science and how things work together from DNA, RNA, H2O, and more! We are so fortunate to have a member who loves teaching, children, and science! Dr. Jeri Berc holds a PhD. in soil science from the University of California at Berkley, and she wrote a book, The Adventures of Moli and Cule. We, as UUs, are always discovering how things work, how we can be part of our world, and help the environment. The adventures depicted within the book revolve around biological, chemical, and physical phenomena. The intention behind the book is twofold: not only to facilitate comprehension of scientific concepts but also to cultivate caring about the subjects discussed. While it is not targeted at any particular age group, it holds appeal for imaginative and inquisitive children and youth across various age ranges. Every child received their own copy!

March 31: Easter Sunday! We continued exploring our monthly theme of Transformation. The children, and adult volunteers, had an open discussion as to what Easter is, what renewal is, what things transform around us, and more. The children then decorated their own Easter bags for our Annual Easter Egg hunt that followed the service! Happy Spring!


March 24: For our art project on this day, we transformed our beans and seeds of all shapes, sizes and colors into a beautiful mosaic butterfly! Member/Artist Cheri Garnet assisted us in our creations this morning!

March 9: Many of our UUSD children over age 5 volunteered at Rise Against Hunger’s meal-packing event. The children helped to create over 70,000 meals, each to feed 6 people.

February 25: After the Chalice Lighting and sharing Joys and Sorrows with lighting candles, the group listened to and discussed “The Whatifs.” Prof. Heather lead them in a guided meditation. Sarah Schaber, a certified Yoga instructor, and member of a new family at UUSD, led the children in learning about Yoga.

February 3: Family Covenant Group activity, making Valentines for a UUSD Cares project.


January 21: We celebrated our 25th Anniversary! The children read parts of the book, Unitarian Universalism Is a Really Long Name by Jennifer Dunt. The children created artwork and shared these after the service!

January 14: We read the book, We March, by Shane Evans. The march began at the Washington Monument and ended with a rally at the Lincoln Memorial, where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his historic “I Have a Dream” speech, advocating racial harmony.

Sunday, January 7: The children met our new CFE Director, Heather Hamilton and read the book, Everybody’s Welcome by Pat Hegarty. Dar Sellers and Heather helped the children create their shields representing who they are so that we all learn about each other.

Sunday, December 17, 10 a.m., “A Tiny Miracle,” Julie Keefer, Director of Music Ministries, UUSD Choir, and Children: The UUSD choir, children, and others shared “A Tiny Miracle.” It is a family holiday musical about faith and finding your purpose. Come and meet Little Tree, who feels unloved and unwanted.  When she asks, “What’s wrong with me?” the Wise Oak reassures her, “It takes time to see what kind of miracle you were meant to be.” We look forward to seeing you at Wally’s Christmas Tree Farm!

December 10: We sang “A Song of Hanukkah” for the congregation at the beginning of the worship service. Back in class, Joanne Salzberg shared a Hanukkah story, and we played the dreidel game and enjoyed Hanukkah snacks.

December 3: We read the book The Circles All Around Us by Brad Montague. It is the story of a circle. When we’re first born, our circle is very small, but as we grow and build relationships, our circle gets bigger and bigger to include family, friends, neighbors, community, and beyond. In the circles all around us, everywhere that we all go, there’s a difference we can make and a love we can all show.

November 5, 2023: The kids met in the Gathering Area at 10 a.m. before joining the adults in the sanctuary. They read The Memory Tree by Britta Teckentrup, a beautiful story that illustrates how we can celebrate a loved one and keep their memories alive after they have gone. The children were encouraged to bring a picture of an ancestor or loved one who had passed.

October 29: The children participated in a program about fears and in the Multigenerational Sunday service.

October 8: This week we read the book, Stolen Words, by Melanie Florence. We also decorated our name tags!

October 1, 2023: The children joined the service in the sanctuary and listened to And Tango Makes Three, a true story of two penguins who create a non-traditional family.

June 11, 2023:  Tony Codella taught orienteering. Each child got a compass to use to find specific places on a hand-drawn map of our back yard.

Sunday Service , June 4, 2023 at 10 a.m., “Beauty Calls Us Together,” Rev. Heather Rion Starr and Julie Keefer, Director of Music Ministries: The children and youth participated in the annual tradition of the Flower Ceremony.

May 21, 2023:  We will learn about our resources in nature. Using multiple techniques, Kath Johnson will teach the children how to paint trees in various seasons.

May 14, 2023: Alice Casey taught about talking sticks and how indigenous communities across the world for discussion, decisions, and sharing. The talking stick assures that all who wish to speak are included, and all others listen with attention. Each child made a talking stick to share with their family.

May 14, 2023: the UUSD Playground and Blessing: The playground installation is complete! Thank you to all the volunteers who made this happen!  Rev. Heather led a playground blessing after the Sunday service.

April 30, 2023: Rosemary Weiland presented Scene 2 of the play she wrote based on the life of Rachael Carson. Scene 2 is called The Super Poopers. Did you know that whale poop feeds the phytoplankton which helps to remove carbon from our atmosphere?

April 9, 2023: Rosemary Weiland introduced a puppet show she writes, Fountain of Hope, based on the work of Rachel Carson. We learned about the important role bees play in pollination.

Egg Hunt on UUSD grounds! Thank you to the Connections Covenant Group for providing eggs and goodies for UUSD kids as well as West Rehoboth kids!

March 12, 2023: Bunny Guerrin read Henry Hikes to Fitchburg, by D.B Johnson. This wonderful book is based on Henry David Thoreau’s Walden.

March 5, 2023: The Explorers met and read The Whale and the Teeny-Tiny Fish, taken from a book of children’s stories written by Rev. Jamie Hinson-Rieger, minister at UU Church of Indianapolis. The story illustrates that each and every person is important. There was also a make and take activity.

Sunday, February 12, 2023:  Our lesson concentrated on caring for others, and the kids made Valentine’s Day cards for the residents of Harbor Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center in Lewes.

Sunday, February 5, 2023: We presented a special program using the book, The ABCs of Black History by Rio Cortez and made paper Freedom Quilts.

Sunday, January 22, 2023:   Rev. Cathy shared the book, “Is That For a Boy or a Girl,” by S. Bear Bergman. The book introduces some awesome kids who have gotten pretty tired of being told some things are for girls and others are for boys.

Sunday, January 8, 2023: CFE Explorers, One of our middle schoolers shared a book about Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Explorers did a related art project.


Sunday, December 11, 2022: CFE Explorers, We used the book Sing and Sign to learn to sign a holiday song,  and drew the sign for “I love you.”

Sunday, November 20, 2022: CFE Explorers, We read and discussed the book Unplugged: Ella Gets Her Family Back by Laura Peterson. Paper robots were also be in play!

Sunday, November 6,, 2022: CFE Explorers, Each child in our Explorers group created a personal chalice. We also enjoyed some leaf pile jumping last Sunday!

Sunday, October 16, 2022: CFE Explorers, Deb Davies introduced tai chi movements. We made paper bag pumpkins and items to sell at the craft fair including lanyards, necklaces, and miniature chalices.

Sunday, October 2, 2022: 10:00 a.m., “The Miracle is You,” Rev. Heather Rion Starr, Julie Keefer, and Dar Sellers: It was wonderful to have our UUSD kids in the sanctuary discussing the film, Encanto!

Sunday, September 25, 2022: In addition to a fun, hands-on project, George Porter (previous owner of UUSD property) will talk about growing up in this beautiful spot. We will also make a craft for the upcoming craft fair.

Saturday, September 24, 2022: UUSD Explorers and parents had a great time visiting member Jeri Berc’s farm. We had the opportunity to get an up-close-and-personal visit with the gentle creatures. The children enjoyed feeding her horses and chickens, gathering eggs, and picking apples and grapes. The adults had as much fun as the children. Such a great time!

Sunday, September 18, 2022: Thank you to Darlene Sellers and Cindy Arno for last Sunday’s session with the Youth Group. We practiced using “I messages” when dealing with conflict. We also built rafts with popsicle sticks to see which team’s creation could hold the most pennies before sinking!

Sunday, September 11, 2022: Thank you to Betty Kirk for the program on yoga and mindfulness. Thirteen children attended. Kids enjoyed the blessing of the backpacks. Cheri Garnet provided a glass heart for each child’s backpack. We covered topics of courage and how to take the right path in life (each child received a backpack compass); we made UUSD bead clips to remind us that we are not alone. We filled our backpacks with love.

Sunday, August 21, 2022: The children learned about a boy who built the first little library for his school so kids could read books all summer. Our UUSD kids want to build one near our new playground. They want it to be “low” so children can reach it. And if someone doesn’t want to play on the equipment they can read a book. One child suggested we have books in Braille for blind children and to include audio books for children who have trouble reading. These kids are fabulous! We also made book marks and stickers in our craft project.

Sunday, June 19, 2022: The children met at their usual 10:00 a.m. time for children’s faith exploration.

After that they did  a fun obstacle course set up by Alicia and Kathy.

As a part of the Gratitude Picnic, the children had a plant sale as a fundraiser for their playground. They sold young plants that they had grown from seed as well as plants donated by adult gardeners in the congregation. They were so excited to have raised a total of $850!

Sunday, June 12, 2022: Rev. Heather led an outdoor chapel service with our children, who found items for the altar outside. The kids designed and made their own prayer flags.

May 22, 2022: A special Harry Potter presentation by Mac Goekler, assisted by Susan Goekler, entitled Defense Against the Dark Arts was offeredWe  learned how to deal with unkind remarks and bullies…without fighting back. We’ll be ready when these ugly events occur in our lives. We also made anti-bullying wands!

May 8, 2022: We learned how to keep mosquitoes away without using insecticides with a project that celebrates the 7th Principle. (We must care for our planet Earth and every living thing that shares it.) The kids planted seeds of mosquito-repelling plants as well as sunflowers to honor Ukraine. Plants will be sold as a fundraiser at the UUSD family picnic!

April 17, 2022: UUSD’s First Spring Egg Hunt: The Children’s Faith Exploration Program focused on the 7th Principle by examining spring changes in nature. They also made bunny baskets to hold the eggs they collected in an exciting spring egg hunt after the Sunday service. Covenant groups had filled the eggs with delicious goodies! Watch the video of all the fun!

April 3, 2022: Deb Davies presented a program that focused on how spring affects our energy/Qi. The children did a hands-on seed planting project and looked for signs of spring outside.

March 20, 2022: Using the children’s book Kamala and Maya’s Big Idea by Meena Harris (inspired by a true story from the childhood of Vice President, Kamala Harris), UUSD children learned how kids can make a difference…a big difference! The children brainstormed ideas for a play area at UUSD and made models of the equipment.

March 6, 2022: After exploring who makes up a family using the book,Who’s in a Family, Rev. Cathy explained that prayer beads are used by many different people, including Buddhists, Muslims, and Catholics, in their religious practice.  The UUSD children strung beads that represented family, then blessed each other’s beads.

February 27, 2022: Kathy Trusty, the author of Black Inventors: 15 Inventions that Changed the World, taught about how people like Marie Van Brittan Brown, Mark Dean, Garrett Morgan, and Shirley Jackson made our lives easier.

February 13, 2022: Sharon Herb helped us understand how faith is what we believe and hold in our hearts. The children made valentines for the residents of Harbor, an assisted living facility.

January 31, 2022: Families recently received a kit focused on the 6th principle: We believe in working for a peaceful, fair, and free world. Each child created a collage from the materials and photographed their work.








December 19, 2021: The Explorers learned about the 7 principles of Kwanzaa and wove paper mats, called mkeka, which form the base for the other six symbols of Kwanzaa, and represent the foundation of traditions. Sue Greer taught about winter solstice.  Everyone left with a candle to light on winter solstice, December 21, as well as a pine cone wild bird treat.

December 5, 2021: Joanne Saltzberg led our program and shared stories about Hanukkah, and then we played the dreidel game. Each child went home with a dreidel! We also learned about Christmas Advent and made a wreath.

November 21, 2021: After the Chalice Lighting, Deb Davies introduced The Explorers to CHI and movements that guided kids, teachers, and helpers to recognize our energy and to feel centered and grounded. Vicki Nichols and Mac Goekler told us about Guest at Your Table and how this annual UUSC intergenerational program raises support for and awareness of justice and human rights. With great enthusiasm the kids handed out the Guest at Your Table boxes to the adults leaving Sunday’s service.

November 7, 2021: The children participated in a wonderful scavenger hunt in our backyard, finding lichen, feathers, spiders, bird nests, and many other items in nature! They read the book The Water Protectors, which refers to the pipeline as the “black snake,” and discussed how Indigenous peoples took care of the land, The children then wrote a letter to President Biden urging him to stop the spread of more poisonous “black snakes” and to stop the pipeline.

October 24, 2021: Sue Greer shared her collection of drums and rattles from all around the world. We enjoyed hands-on fun as everyone got to play rhythms on drums and rattles. We listened to our own heartbeat, played with that internal rhythm, made rain sticks, and learned that drumming can be a way to feel peaceful and connected.

October 10, 2021: Mac Goekler made peace pole kits that the kids assembled and decorated. Susan Goekler tied this craft experience to Peace Week. Alicia Mickenberg taught rock painting with the help of Kathleen Fitzgerald. Alicia shared that she hides painted stones with positive messages at different places in the community so people can find them and it can brighten their day.

Saturday, September 25, 2021: This outdoor event for our EXPLORERS focused on the UU 7th Principle—Nature and Caring for Our Earth—stations included butterflies, bees, trees, and storytime.

August 8, 2021: Children created personalized name tags and beaded lanyards, then decided on their own group covenant based on UU principles and had a lively discussion. Kids and adults enjoyed this time outdoors!

July 25, 2021: Children in our Faith Exploration class had a wonderful time creating individual Coats of Arms with their teachers and helpers. These shields were created by the kids to illustrate what was important to them.

These amazing kids also created a note to send to Rev. Dr. S. Ron Parks to thank him for the beautiful orange masks he provided for each child after his service in July. Everyone signed the card. Aralynn was the artist for this project.

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